Women receiving training as health promoters

In Bolivia, Eyes of the world is constantly working to continue reinforcing the gender approach in the different facets of its programme.  The result is reflected in the fact that, during the last year, of the 1,316 people who received training to promote eye health, 78% (1,032) were women.

To do this, we worked with 35 different women’s associations who attended various training sessions that, due to the pandemic, were carried out virtually and in person, in small groups to prevent infection.

The work of these health promoters is vital since they become speakers of the knowledge acquired about eye health and disseminate awareness campaigns and prevention advice in their communities, reaching a large part of the population that otherwise would be impossible to hit.

The activity is part of the Eyes of Bolivia programme, which is funded by the Lions Club, Repsol Foundation, CBM Global Disability Inclusion, Once Foundation – América Latina FOAL, AGORA Bolivia, the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) and Astigarraga Town Hall.