Launching a radio awareness campaign

One of the media which facilitates the mass dissemination of awareness and prevention messages in Mali is undoubtedly the radio. Eyes of the world has signed collaboration agreements with eight Malian radio stations to broadcast awareness and prevention campaigns on the main eye diseases, using local languages.

In December, specific informative programmes on trachoma disease were broadcasted, explaining the details of this disease and encouraging patients with pathology to undergo surgery, as well as other content related to greater knowledge of refractive errors, cataracts, and glaucoma.

CAFO awareness-raising activities

On the other hand, within the framework of the Eyes of Mali programme, campaigns are being implemented that, without being massive, manage to reach many people, such as awareness and prevention activities on eye health with a gender perspective organized by the women of the CAFOs (groups of NGOs and local women’s associations). In the last activity carried out by the Bankass CAFO, 1,399 people were reached: 728 women, 143 men, 252 girls, and 276 boys.

These campaigns carried out within the framework of the Eyes of Mali project primarily have the support of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia.